We are a community of students that desires to follow Christ together and serve our campus, community, and world. We meet weekly in LifeGroups, and have tons of other opportunities to grow spiritually, connect with friends, and to help others in need. We'd love to meet you, and get you connected!

Life Groups offer you the opportunity to be a part of a community, a family of students that truly share life together. Each week we study scripture, learn from one another, and pray for each other, but that’s just the beginning. Our desire at Chi Alpha is not to get you to sign up for another “Bible study”, but to be involved in a life-giving community of brothers or sisters that encourage you, support you, and fight for you through every success and struggle you face at TCU.
Every week at Chi Alpha we worship together, hear biblical teaching, have prayer, and a time of small group discussion. We cover topics that are timely and relevant to this season of your life.
Mondays at 7:27pm in Robert Carr Chapel on campus!